Become a Driving Instructor


How we help

Our Illinois Secretary of State approved instructor training course meets all the necessary guidelines and requirements that you will need to obtain your Instructor’s License

Why become a driving instructor?

Career Path


How to Start

Why become a driving instructor?

  • Fulfilling Career

    As a driving instructor, you will have the satisfaction of helping students achieve an important life skill and ensuring road safety.

  • Flexibility

    You can choose to work part-time or full-time, set your own hours, and enjoy a work-life balance that fits your needs.

  • Job Security

    There is always a demand for driving instructors, as there will always be new drivers looking to learn how to drive.

  • Compensation

    Driving instructors can earn a competitive salary and have the opportunity to earn more with experience and a good reputation.

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Career Path

A driving school’s workday comprises multiple individual tasks distinct to the field, and TeamFicient operators have the experience and training to assume all of them. We handle it all, from phone banking and data entry to sending certificates to graduates and submitting student records to the state.

  • review instructors’ calendars and ensure that all assigned schedules are followed

  • supervise all instructors and their schedules to minimize last-minute lesson cancelations and ensure that instructors are on time for all lessons

  • confirm lessons via calls, texts, or emails and send any scheduled reminders

  • adequate last-minute cancellations management

  • track the pass rate of student road tests and coordinate with instructors regarding pass-rate records

Efficient fleet coordination

We understand that keeping the entire fleet up and running is vital to a driving school’s sustainability, as any vehicle’s absence from the road will quickly translate into loss of income. TF is ready to take care of the fleet, no matter its size. Our tested and proven maintenance management schedules lower expenses while extending the life of every vehicle.

  • keep track of every vehicle’s maintenance history

  • schedule maintenance and repairs to meet both calendar and budget requirements

  • keep all insurance policies up to date and negotiate rates for new policies

  • track all vehicle routes with GPS software

  • monitor and control gas expenses

  • negotiate with vendors to ensure best prices


Why become a driving instructor?

Experience and education is essential for driving instructors to maintain their licenses and stay up-to-date with changes in driving laws and techniques, driving instructors may even advance to supervisory, management, and even ownership of a driving school branch.

A career as a driving instructor can be rewarding and offer opportunities for growth and advancement.

  • Fulfilling Career

    As a driving instructor, you will have the satisfaction of helping students achieve an important life skill and ensuring road safety.

  • Flexibility

    You can choose to work part-time or full-time, set your own hours, and enjoy a work-life balance that fits your needs.

  • Job Security

    There is always a demand for driving instructors, as there will always be new drivers looking to learn how to drive.

  • Compensation

    Driving instructors can earn a competitive salary and have the opportunity to earn more with experience and a good reputation.


  • Be at least 21 years old

  • Hold a valid driver's license for at least 2 years

  • Have a clean driving record

  • No felonies or misdemeanors. (fingerprints required by the SOS)

  • Complete a driving instructor training program of 48 Hrs approved by the Secretary of State

  • Pass a written exam and a driving skills test

How to start

Contact us now!

Fill out our fast and easy contact form to receive a call from one of our specialized agents within the next 24 hours or sooner.

We assure you will receive detailed information about our program to start your process right away.


A fully integrated solution for your driving school needs

TeamFicient’s growing network of service providers offers you the best available support and protection. Our operators are already experts in driving-school software, which substantially reduces your training time. 

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Ready-to-work agents

Our operators are trained in customer service and sales specific to the driving-school industry. They will adapt to your schedule, covering any shift, any day, any time.

All of our agents are trained to guide potential clients every step of the way, from their initial inquiry to finding the package that best suits their needs to payment in full.

We know that learning to drive can be very stressful, especially for parents and teenagers, which is why TeamFicient stays with them from start to finish.

Driving School Customer Service

Norlyn B.

Driving School Sales Agent

Matthew C.

Scale your business

No matter the industry, we’ve got you covered. Scale your business with our highly trained, ready-to-work professionals.


Easy to start, quick to scale

TeamFicient professionals have the necessary skills and experience to communicate, schedule, manage, and serve your business effectively!

  • Let us know what TeamFicient can do for you

    Book a consultation to discuss your current staffing needs, expectations, and goals. Spare no detail!

  • Meet your success manager

    You will work directly with a US-based manager who takes care of your VA’s training, as well as any future requirements you may have.

  • No long-term contracts

    You pay for our services month by month–-no long-term commitment is required. Simply bring TeamFicient in and let us handle the rest.

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Hire a team, not just a remote assistant

Award-winning, serial-entrepreneur Mayra Khan has over 15 years of experience building and running successful driving schools and a deep understanding of the driving-school business, its processes, and its challenges. When she saw the need for better customer service and sales representatives in her own career, she took it upon herself to create another business—TeamFicient—to position virtual assistants as a modern, streamlined solution to her driving schools’ administrative needs. Now, she wants to turn her success story into yours.

We understand the frustration that comes with hiring and retaining new driving instructors, providing excellent customer service and sales management, maintaining efficient fleet coordination, and the timely completion of administrative tasks. We are ready to fill every important position: backup operator, coordinator, accounts manager, and more. You train us only once, then grow without ever having to re-train—our virtual assistants will adjust to your workflow and specifications so that you can focus on scaling your business and boosting your results while leaving the rest to us. 


Our training and infrastructure


HIPAA Compliance Training

Data Privacy

Information Security Training

Customer Service


Teamficient owned remote call centers



Secured Equipment & Servers


Case Study

Client Profile
Our client provides comprehensive driver education programs, including special services for families, that can’t be found anywhere else in their state. They also offer courses such as Spanish-Language Driver Education, Certified Defensive Driver, Corporate Driver Improvement, and more. 


• The company was undergoing major changes: hiring new staff, training existing staff on a new scheduling platform, and updating their website and client database, which meant having to use both the old and new databases simultaneously.

• While they had two bilingual admins on staff to take care of their Spanish-speaking clients, they were still having trouble managing the sheer volume of calls from their state’s large Spanish-speaking community.

• Callers experienced long wait times, leading to customer irritation and missed calls for the client.

• Each of their eight locations set its own pricing and fuel fees, which the website did not accurately reflect.

• Callers became frustrated that the prices they had seen on the website were not the actual pricing.

• Their customer service representatives were confused about the different prices at different locations due to a lack of communication across all offices, and would quote incorrect prices to callers.

• Complaints were overtaking sales calls at an accelerated rate.


• TF put in place a team of fully bilingual VAs who have strong backgrounds in driving-school customer service.

• Thanks to TeamFicient’s partnership with DanubeNet (the client’s driving-school software), all of our driving-school VAs were already very familiar with the platform and were able to hit the ground running, integrating working with both the old and the new databases with ease, and assisting the migration of old data into the new program.

• Our VA team was ready to field any type of call: inquiries, scheduling, complaints, and sales, as they have extensive experience selling driving-school packages. 

• Our VAs were in touch with all eight branches to verify each branch’s information, especially their individual pricing and fuel fees. They clarified this information for callers, for the website, and for the current staff.

• When the client requested bilingual VAs with a dialect more in line with their state’s Spanish-speaking population, TeamFicient was able to place new VAs who had all of the same skills and backgrounds as the previous team members, but with a more familiar accent.


• Vastly improved sales numbers due to our VA’s exemplary customer service skills and sales know-how.

• Communication within the company is much clearer, as TeamFicient staffers are in constant contact with all branches, making sure that all of their information is up to date everywhere it appears or is needed.

• Correct information for customers, who were now receiving the right pricing information both on the phone and on the website, led to improved customer satisfaction.

• The number of complaint calls dropped significantly.

• Callers were happy with both the service and the information they received on the phone.

"Finding a team of colocated staff to collaborate on key sales and administrative tasks is extremely difficult. TeamFicient made it easy for us, and our distributed team members are truly part of our core culture and team.

Paul Rottler Managing partner of a driving school in Oklahoma


    What our clients are saying

    Book a consultation

    Schedule a consultation with a TeamFicient client success manager to discover how our team can help you.


    Let us know how we can help

    Working with TeamFicient lets you focus on the big picture by moving the tasks that cut into your time and productivity off of your desk and on to ours. Paperwork, phone calls, calendar management–whatever you want out of your way, your virtual assistant will take care of it for you. 


    Frequently Asked Questions

    • Create a job description that includes all of the duties and responsibilities you expect them to take on, so as to avoid any confusion about the requirements of the job.

    • Share your company’s policies and procedures with them.

    • Prepare a set of guidelines and instructions to help them understand how your company operates.

    It typically takes two weeks for a newly placed VA to get used to a new workflow. Allowing time for a VA to adjust is vital to achieving maximum results, so it is best to keep the workload moderate at first, and focus on quality rather than quantity.

     • Set yourself up for success by having open lines of contact with your VA—communication is key!

    • Encourage them with positive feedback. Kindness and gratitude help to build confidence, create a positive work environment, and keep your VA engaged.

    •  Share any work strategies or other insights to help them become your ideal assistant.

    •  Daily check-in calls can eliminate confusion regarding daily tasks and resolve any outstanding questions.

    We allow a maximum of five (5) consecutive work days and a minimum of two (2) days off after each set of work days. If you need to make adjustments to your VA’s schedule, please contact your account manager at least two weeks in advance of your desired changes.

    Your virtual assistant will have the following holidays built into their schedule:

      • New Year’s Eve & Day (Dec 31st & Jan 1st)

      • Memorial Day (last Monday in May)

      • Independence Day (July 4th)

      • Labor Day (first Monday in September)

      • Thanksgiving Day

      • Christmas Eve & Day (Dec 24th & Dec 25th)

    Clients are responsible for the VA’s pay on the above holidays, but not for any other holidays, vacation days, or other benefits (such as insurance).

    If your office will be closed on any other days, please let your account manager know.

    Our clients often gift their VAs with complimentary lunches, annual bonuses, and birthday or holiday gifts. You can discuss these options with your US-based account manager and they will take care of it for you.

    With TeamFicient, you hire a virtual assistant, but you get a team. From your VA to your US-based account manager, from your coordinator to IT support, everyone is dedicated to helping your business succeed. 

    Click here  to see & download our brochure.

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    Contact us

    Based on our initial consultation regarding your business’s requirements and demands, our US-based client success manager will match you with a best-fit virtual assistant. You, your VA, and your VA’s manager will work together to ensure that our partnership is successful and that you receive top-quality support.

    Scale up your business with our highly trained, ready-to-work virtual assistants.

    Contact Us

    Book a consultation

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